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Transmogrifier: Java NIO and Non-Blocking IO
1. Welcome
Welcome to the Transmogrifier! (2:12)
2. Single-threaded Blocking Server With Old Java.IO
2.1 Single-Threaded Blocking Server (5:20)
2.2 Single-Threaded Blocking Server Exercises (3:31)
2.3 Single-Threaded Blocking Server Exercise Solutions (6:34)
3. Multi-Threaded Blocking Server
3.1 Multi-Threaded Blocking Server (2:26)
3.2 NastyChump DoS Attack (5:59)
3.3 Refactor to Decorator Pattern Exercises (1:22)
3.4 Refactor to Decorator Pattern Exercise Solution (16:38)
3.5 Extracting Common Decorator Abstract Class (9:11)
4. ExecutorService Blocking Service
4.1 ExecutorService Blocking Server (2:31)
4.2 ExecutorService Exception Handling (8:55)
4.3 Cached vs Fixed Executor Service (4:26)
4.4 ExecutorService Blocking Server Exercises (1:36)
5. Java NIO Blocking Server with Channels
5.1 Java.NIO Blocking Server (20:41)
6. Polling Non-Blocking Server
6.1 Single Threaded Polling Non-Blocking Java.NIO Server (9:30)
6.2 Polling Non-Blocking Server Exercises (0:37)
7. Non-Blocking Server with Selector
7.1 Single-Threaded Selector-Based Non-Blocking Server (3:06)
7.2 AcceptHandler (3:31)
7.3 ReadHandler (7:25)
7.4 WriteHandler (4:30)
7.5 Putting it together (11:59)
8. Work-Pool for Transmogrifying
8.1 Non-Blocking Server with Work Pool (16:02)
9. Thank You
9.1 Thank You For Learning With Us! (0:45)
4.2 ExecutorService Exception Handling
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