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IntelliJ Wizardry with Heinz Kabutz
Section 1 - So You've Installed IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition ...
1. Why I Switched to IntelliJ IDEA in 2003 (10:50)
1a. Swing GUI Builder (1:40)
2. Superkey Alt+Enter, Fixes Almost Anything (2:35)
3. Switching Between Tool Windows (1:27)
4. Setting Up Autoscroll To And From Source (1:13)
5. Creating new ... With Control+Enter (2:45)
6. Live Templates psvm, sout, soutv (5:07)
7. Navigation with Arrows and Clicks (6:14)
8. Jump To New Line Out Of Middle Of Code (1:30)
9. Syntax Aware Selection (6:16)
10. Move Code Up and Down (1:44)
Section 2 - Now Quintuple Your Coding Speed
11. Surround Statements With (4:49)
12. Select Live Template (5:53)
13. Error Based Coding (9:34)
14. Line Based Editing (4:08)
15. Column Select Editing (5:13)
16. Presentation Mode for Speakers (4:19)
17. Reformatting Code (5:12)
18. Code and Variable Completion (5:06)
19. SmartType Completion (7:54)
20. Comment and Uncomment Current Line (4:27)
21. Override or Implement Methods (5:55)
22. Copy Class (5:33)
23. Rename Class, Method, Field, Variable (5:15)
24. Move Class, Method or Field (1:58)
25. Camel Prefix in Code Completion (2:30)
Section 3 - Refactor Like a Boss
26. Refactor - Introduce Variable (13:40)
27. Refactor - Extract Method (10:57)
28. Refactor - Change Signature (1:24)
29. Refactor - Inline (4:30)
30. Refactor - Safe Delete (1:53)
Section 4 - Inspector Clouseau At Your Service
31. Analyze -> Inspect Code (5:32)
32. Inspect Code - Finding declarations that could be more "private" (5:02)
33. Inspect Code - make parameters and local variables final (5:07)
34. Inspect Code - Marking fields final (4:22)
35. Inspect Code - Finding Unused Code (13:43)
36. Local History (4:10)
37. Inspect Code - Finding Badly Handled Exceptions (2:49)
38. Inspect Code - Migrating to Newer Java Versions (2:44)
39. Terminal (1:28)
40. Conclusion (1:37)
15. Column Select Editing
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