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Data Structures in Java
Section 1 - Introduction to Collections in Java
1. Welcome (3:08)
1.1. Code Samples
1.2. Refer a Friend or Colleague
2. Computational Time Complexity (22:59)
3. Space Complexity (4:12)
4. Arrays (15:20)
Section 2 - Lists
5. Lists (13:22)
6. ArrayList (14:07)
7. Iteration (7:55)
8. CopyOnWriteArrayList (7:03)
9. LinkedList (8:39)
10. Vector (4:10)
11. Stack (5:34)
12. Sorting lists (49:41)
Section 3 - Sets
13. Sets (10:06)
14. TreeSet (35:19)
15. ConcurrentSkipListSet (9:43)
16. CopyOnWriteArraySet (18:02)
Section 4 - Hashing
17. Hashing (16:25)
18. HashSet (13:43)
19. ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet() (3:28)
Section 5 - Maps
20. Maps (2:11)
21. HashMap (28:34)
22. ConcurrentHashMap (6:28)
23. TreeMap (18:42)
24. ConcurrentSkipListMap (9:02)
25. Hashtable (18:15)
26. LinkedHashMap and LinkedHashSet (13:16)
27. Highly Specialized Collections: EnumSet, EnumMap, IdentityHashMap, Properties, WeakHashMap (19:53)
Section 6 - Queues and Deques
28. Queues and Deques (4:33)
29. ConcurrentLinkedQueue and ConcurrentLinkedDeque (9:15)
30. ArrayDeque (11:29)
31. BlockingQueues (1:50)
32. LinkedBlockingQueue and LinkedBlockingDeque (14:12)
33. ArrayBlockingQueue (6:26)
34. Highly specialized queues: DelayQueue, SynchronousQueue, LinkedTransferQueue (16:00)
35. PriorityQueue and PriorityBlockingQueue (18:04)
Section 7 - Collection Facades
36. java.util.Collections (17:35)
37. java.util.Arrays (11:02)
Section 8 - Thanks for Watching
38. Conclusion And Where To Next? (1:24)
1. Welcome
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