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Mastering Platform Threads in Java 21 (v1.4)
1. Mastering Platform Threads in Java 21 (v1.4)
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0. Mastering Platform Threads in Java 21 (v1.4) (2:19)
1. Welcome (3:12)
2. Basics of Threads
2. Basics of Threads (0:22)
2.1. Multiple Processes (3:21)
2.2. Why use threads? (1:38)
2.3.1. Threading Models - Preemptive (1:21)
2.3.2. Threading Models - Cooperative (1:18)
2.3.3. Threading Models - Which one? (1:38)
2.4.1. Parallel Computing (11:54)
2.4.2. Concurrent Computing (1:37)
2.5. Java Memory Model (JSR 133) (4:28)
2.6.1. Creating new Thread (1:57)
2.6.2. New Thread with Runnable (1:19)
2.6.3. New Thread with Builder (0:57)
2.7. Shared memory with multithreading (5:30)
2.7.1. Synchronized (3:38)
2.7.2 Synchronized BankAccount (8:48)
2.7.3. Synchronized Methods (6:49)
2.8. Thread states (3:59)
2.9. Inter-thread communication (1:09)
2.9.1. Wait and Notify (0:38)
2.9.2. Which should we prefer? (2:18)
2.9.3. ProducerConsumer (11:07)
2.9.4. ReentrantLock and Condition (1:55)
2.9.5. ProducerConsumer using ReentrantLock (9:36)
2.9.6. AutoLock for try-with-resource (4:56)
2.10. Priorities (1:05)
2.11. Timers (1:12)
2.12. Daemon Threads (1:30)
2.13. Techniques for shutting down (2:49)
2.14.1. Exercise 2.1. Description (1:16) Exercise 2.1. Walkthrough (7:28)
2.14.2. Exercise 2.2. Description (0:23) Exercise 2.2. Walkthrough (6:28)
2.14.3. Exercise 2.3. Description (1:15) Exercise 2.3. Walkthrough (23:25)
3. The Secrets of Concurrency
3. The Secrets of Concurrency (2:36)
3.1. The Law of the Sabotaged Doorbell (16:42)
3.2. The Law of the Distracted Spearfisherman (4:56)
3.3. The Law of the Overstocked Haberdashery (10:40)
3.4. The Law of the Blind Spot (7:36)
3.5. The Law of the Leaked Memo (24:25)
3.6. The Law of the Corrupt Politician (1:10)
3.7. The Law of the Micromanager (14:36)
3.8. The Law of Cretan Driving (7:32)
3.9. The Law of Sudden Riches (3:34)
3.10. The Law of the Uneaten Lutefisk (4:56)
3.11.1. Exercise 3.1. Description (0:22) Exercise 3.1. Walkthrough (7:02)
3.11.2. Exercise 3.2. Description (0:33) Exercise 3.2. Walkthrough (10:17)
3.11.3. Exercise 3.3. Description (0:14) Exercise 3.3. Walkthrough (5:46)
4. Applied Threading Techniques
4. Applied Threading Techniques (2:01)
4.1. Executors (2:40)
4.2. ExecutorService Interface (5:48)
4.2.1. ExecutorDemo (9:29)
4.3. Types of ExecutorService (23:03)
4.4. CompletionService (1:59)
4.5. CountDownLatch (7:18)
4.6. Semaphore (10:07)
4.7. BlockingQueues (1:50)
4.7.1. ArrayBlockingQueue (3:25)
4.7.2. LinkedBlockingQueue (10:38)
4.7.3. PriorityBlockingQueue (1:08)
4.7.4. DelayQueue (0:46)
4.7.5. SynchronousQueue (2:58)
4.7.6. ProducerConsumer with BlockingQueue (1:56)
4.8. Exceptions (7:05)
4.9. ThreadLocal (5:19)
4.10. Stopping Threads (1:04)
4.11. Shutdown Hooks (5:58)
4.12.1. Exercise 4.1. Description (0:59) Exercise 4.1. Walkthrough (10:26)
4.12.2. Exercise 4.2. Description (0:15) Exercise 4.2. Walkthrough (13:07)
4.12.3. Exercise 4.3. Description (1:12) Exercise 4.3. Walkthrough (1:47)
4.12.4. Exercise 4.4. Description (5:01) Exercise 4.4. Walkthrough (5:51)
5. Threading Problems
5.1. Race Condition (3:02)
5. Threading Problems (3:38)
5.1.1. Example of simple race condition (2:13)
5.1.2. Fixed with LongAdder (3:07)
5.1.3. Demo of RaceConditonExample (18:44)
5.1.4. Lazy initialization race conditions (6:29)
5.1.5. ConcurrentHashMap (2:19)
5.1.6. How to detect race conditions (4:07)
5.2. Starvation (2:36)
5.2.1. ReadWriteLock Starvation (6:04)
5.2.2. Detecting Thread Starvation (4:16)
5.3. Fairness (9:56)
5.4. Deadlock (13:55)
5.4.1. HappyLocker (3:38)
5.5. Livelock (2:23)
5.6.1. Exercise 5.1. Description (0:27) Exercise 5.1. Walkthrough (12:06)
5.6.2. Exercise 5.2. Description (0:21) Exercise 5.2. Walkthrough (9:32)
6. Conclusion
6. Conclusion (3:17)
2.9.4. ReentrantLock and Condition
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