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Teardown 02 - Copy-on-Write Array List and Set
1. Welcome and GIT (1:06)
2. CopyOnWriteArrayList overview (4:11)
3. Interfaces implemented by COWAList (1:32)
4. Serialization (5:21)
5. Synchronized vs ReentrantLock (2:15)
6. Volatile array (0:37)
7. getArray() and setArray() (1:11)
8. Package private lock (1:49)
9. Constructors (14:16)
10. size() and isEmpty() (0:26)
11. indexOf() and contains() (4:35)
12. clone() (9:41)
13. toArray() (2:00)
14. Helper functions (1:28)
15. get() and set() (10:59)
16. add(E) (0:21)
17. add(index, E) (2:01)
18. remove(index) (10:37)
19. remove(Object) (21:31)
20. removeRange() (1:55)
21. addIfAbsent() (4:48)
22. containsAll() (12:51)
23. removeAll(), retainAll(), removeIf(), bulkRemove() (11:41)
24. addAllAbsent() (3:40)
25. clear() (0:12)
26. addAll(Collection) (1:39)
27. addAll(index, Collection) (1:50)
28. forEach() (0:26)
29. replaceAll() (0:58)
30. sort() (0:57)
31. toString(), equals(), hashCode() (3:13)
32. Iteration (3:25)
33. SubList (28:23)
34. Conclusion to COWArrayList (2:42)
1. CopyOnWriteArraySet Introduction (1:56)
2. CopyOnWriteArraySet Motivation (13:06)
3. Constructors (1:38)
4. Delegated methods (0:16)
5. containsAll() with experiment (21:49)
6. More delegated methods (1:08)
7. (Bonus) Modernising CopyOnWriteArrayList and CopyOnWriteArraySet (18:23)
8. Final words (1:22)
27. addAll(index, Collection)
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