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Java Design Patterns
Design Patterns Slides and Exercises
Playground Package
The Course
1.1. Lay of the Land (8:40)
1.2. Why Learn Patterns (15:35)
1.3. What is a Design Pattern (6:01)
1.4. References Used in Course (7:46)
1.5. Unified Modeling Language (UML) (14:02)
1.6. Java Memory Management (11:41)
1.7. Java HotSpot Optimizations (6:53)
1.8. Modern Java Syntax (3:56)
2. Abstract Class Pattern (PLoPD4) (15:35)
2.1. Abstract Class Pattern Exercise Walkthrough (15:52)
3. Builder Pattern (GoF and Effective Java) (19:43)
3.1. Builder Exercise 1 Walkthrough (6:46)
3.2. Builder Exercise 2 Walkthrough (2:15)
4. Essence Pattern (PLoPD4) (10:39)
5. Memento Pattern (GoF) (22:15)
5.1. Memento Pattern Exercise 1 Walkthrough (10:59)
5.2. Memento Pattern Exercise 2 Walkthrough (3:07)
6. Proxy Pattern (GoF) (32:18)
6.1. Proxy Pattern Exercise 1 Walkthrough (3:47)
6.2. Proxy Pattern Exercise 2 Walkthrough (7:22)
7. Flyweight Pattern (GoF) (51:37)
8. Strategy Pattern (GoF) (33:34)
8.1. Strategy Exercise 1 Walkthrough (15:02)
8.2. Strategy Exercise 2 Walkthrough (9:03)
9. Null Object Pattern (PLoPD3) (16:56)
9.1. Null Object Exercise Walkthrough (12:11)
10. Iterator Pattern (GoF) (27:31)
10.1. Iterator Pattern Exercise Walkthrough (9:44)
11. Factory Method (GoF and Refactoring) (27:40)
12. Template Method Pattern (GoF) (11:15)
12.1. Template Method exercise (8:17)
13. Composite Pattern (GoF) (12:33)
13.1. Composite Exercise Walkthrough (17:20)
14. Visitor Pattern (GoF) (17:28)
14.1. Visitor Exercise Walkthrough (8:06)
15. Acyclic Visitor Pattern (PLoPD3) (12:52)
15.1. Acyclic Visitor Exercise Walkthrough (5:01)
16. Object Recursion Pattern (PLoPD4) (9:04)
17. Default Visitor Pattern (PLoPD3) (19:47)
17.1. Default Visitor Exercise Walkthrough (12:52)
18. Adapter Pattern (GoF) (21:54)
18.1. Adapter Exercise Walkthrough (12:19)
19. Command Pattern (GoF) (14:24)
19.1. Command Exercise 1 Walkthrough (5:31)
19.2. Command Exercise 2 Walkthrough (2:10)
20. Decorator Pattern (GoF) (28:54)
20.1. Decorator Exercise Walkthrough (11:31)
21. Extension Object Pattern (34:09)
22. Singleton Pattern (GoF) (40:50)
22.1. Singleton Exercise 1 Walkthrough (0:58)
22.2. Singleton Exercise 2 Walkthrough (1:33)
22.3. Singleton Exercise 3 Walkthrough (14:21)
23. State Pattern (GoF) (24:47)
23..1. State Exercise Walkthrough (20:27)
24. Facade Pattern (GoF) (11:15)
24.b. Session Facade Pattern (JEE) (3:41)
25. Prototype (17:11)
26. Abstract Factory Pattern (GoF) (10:29)
26.1. Abstract Factory Exercise Walkthrough (5:14)
27. Interpreter Pattern (GoF) (16:20)
27.1. Interpreter Exercise Walkthrough (11:34)
28. Mediator Pattern (GoF) (13:03)
29. Observer Pattern (GoF) (28:13)
29.1. Observer Exercise Walkthrough (8:20)
30. Bridge Pattern (GoF) (13:44)
30.1. Bridge Exercise Walkthrough (10:07)
31. Chain of Responsibility Pattern (GoF) (10:35)
31.1. Chain of Responsibility Exercise Walkthrough (13:04)
32. Conclusion (9:44)
20. Decorator Pattern (GoF)
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