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Mastering Java 11
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Day 1
1.01. Welcome to the Mastering Java 11 Course (4:04)
1.02. Day 1 - Encapsulation Improvements (2:29)
1.03. JEP 261 - The Java Module System Intro (14:09)
1.04. JEP 261 - Java Module System Basics (24:06)
1.05. JEP 261 - Exercise 00 - Class Path (9:43)
1.06. JEP 261 - Single Module (4:00)
1.07. JEP 261 - Exercise 01 - A Single Module (7:40)
1.08. JEP 261 - Multiple Modules (5:51)
1.09. JEP 261 - Exercise 02 - Multiple Modules (7:57)
1.10. JEP 261 - Beyond the Basics (9:31)
1.11. JEP 261 - Exercise 03 - Implied Readability (7:59)
1.12. JEP 261 - Optional Dependencies (10:22)
1.13. JEP 261 - Exercise 04 - Optional Dependencies (6:48)
1.14. JEP 261 - Services (6:04)
1.15. JEP 261 - Exercise 05 - Services (29:29)
1.16. JEP 261 - Qualified Exports (3:54)
1.17. JEP 261 - Exercise 06 - Qualified Exports (1:41)
1.18. JEP 261 - Deep Reflective Access (5:02)
1.19. JEP 261 - Exercise 07 - Deep Reflective Access (5:11)
1.20. JEP 261 - Migration Challenges (4:10)
1.21. JEP 261 - Migration Challenges - Internal APIs (4:17)
1.22. JEP 261 - Migration Challenges - JEE Modules (2:03)
1.23. JEP 261 - Migration Challenges - Split Packages (4:08)
1.24. JEP 261 - Migration Challenges - Runtime Images (3:05)
1.25. JEP 261 - Incremental Modularization (1:30)
1.26. JEP 261 - Incremental Modularization - The Unnamed Module (1:58)
1.27. JEP 261 - Incremental Modularization - Automatic Modules (3:54)
1.28. JEP 261 - Incremental Modularization - Modularization Strategies (6:24)
1.29. JEP 261 - Conclusion (0:31)
1.30. JEP 277 - Enhanced Deprecation (8:08)
1.31. JEP 277 - Exercise Walkthrough (10:45)
1.32. JEP 239 - Multi-Release JAR Files (2:26)
1.33. JEP 239 - Exercise Walkthrough (15:41)
Day 2
2.01. Day 2 Part 1 - Performance Improvements (1:58)
2.02. JEP 254 - Compact Strings (17:13)
2.03. JEP 254 - Exercise Walkthrough (5:38)
2.04. JEP 280 - Indify String Concatenation (8:23)
2.05. JEP 280 - Exercise Walkthrough (6:47)
2.06. JEP 328 - Flight Recorder (10:51)
2.07. JEP 328 - Exercise Walkthrough (10:01)
2.08. JEP 248 - Make G1 the Default (14:47)
2.09. JEP 318 - Epsilon - A No-Op Garbage Collector (7:08)
2.10. JEP 318 - Exercise Walkthrough (2:13)
2.11. Day 2 Part 2 - Language Improvements (1:35)
2.12. JEP 286 - Local-Variable Type Inference (32:32)
2.13. JEP 286 - Exercise Walkthrough (17:13)
2.14. JEP 323 - Local-Variable Syntax for Lambdas (1:22)
2.15. JEP 313 - Milling Project Coin (1:51)
2.16. JEP 313 - Private Interface Methods (4:11)
2.17. JEP 313 - Private Interface Methods - Exercise Walkthrough (2:21)
2.18. JEP 313 - Effectively Final Variables try-with-resource (2:20)
2.19. JEP 313 - Effectively Final Variables try-with-resource - Exercise Walkthrough (2:37)
2.20. JEP 313 - Diamond Operator with Anonymous Types (2:41)
2.21. JEP 313 - Diamond Operator with Anonymous Types - Exercise Walkthrough (1:14)
2.22. JEP 313 - @SafeVarargs (4:44)
2.23. JEP 313 - @SafeVarargs - Exercise Walkthrough (2:07)
2.24. JEP 313 - Removal of Underscore _ as Identifier (1:43)
Day 3
3.02. JEP 193 - Variable Handles (14:12)
3.01. Day 3 Part 1 - Concurrency Improvements (0:29)
3.03. JEP 193 - Exercise Walkthrough (5:30)
3.04. JEP 266 - More Concurrency Updates (4:38)
3.05. Day 3 Part 2 - Tools and API Improvements (0:42)
3.06. JEP 269 - Convenience Factory Methods for Collections (15:33)
3.07. JEP 269 - Exercise Walkthrough (15:48)
3.08. JEP 321 - HTTP Client (13:14)
3.09. JEP 321 - Exercise Walkthrough (28:25)
3.10. JEP 330 - Launch Single-File Source-Code Programs (2:47)
3.11. JEP 330 - Exercise Walkthrough (3:47)
3.12. JEP 158 - Unified JVM Logging (10:08)
3.13. JEP 158 - Exercise Walkthrough (10:38)
3.14. JEP 222 - jshell - The Java Shell (Read-Eval-Print Loop) (5:02)
3.15. JEP 222 - Exercise Walkthrough (2:06)
3.16. JEP 259 - Stack Walking API (7:29)
3.17. JEP 259 - Exercise Walkthrough (10:51)
3.18. JEP 290 - Filter Incoming Serialization Data (7:05)
3.19. JEP 290 - Exercise Walkthrough (4:41)
3.20. Conclusion (1:11)
1.12. JEP 261 - Optional Dependencies
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