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IntelliJ Wizardry with Heinz Kabutz 2022 Edition
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0. IntelliJ Wizardry with Heinz Kabutz
0.1. IntelliJ Wizardry with Heinz Kabutz (0:10)
0.2. Copyright Notice (0:09)
1. Introduction
1.1. Why IntelliJ IDEA? (6:20)
1.2. Questions (0:34)
1.3. Exercises (1:49)
2. Setting up IntelliJ IDEA
2. Setting up IntelliJ IDEA (0:16)
2.1. Download JetBrains Toolbox (1:36)
2.2. Install IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition (1:23)
2.3. Importing Project From VCS (0:59)
2.4. Setting IDE Font (0:41)
2.5. Cloning Project From Git (0:38)
2.6. Tip of the Day (0:25)
2.7. Dark Mode Screens (0:28)
2.8. Open Project Structure Dialog (1:27)
2.8.1. Choosing JDK 17 Version (1:18)
2.9. Settings Dialog (0:21)
2.9.1. Seeing Errors in Darcula vs Light Scheme (3:25)
2.9.2. "Mac OS X Heinz.xml" Keymap (6:53)
2.9.3. Show Method Separators (0:50)
2.9.4. Code Folding (1:46)
2.9.5. Use CamelHumps Words (1:16)
2.9.6. Color Scheme - Darcula Courses (2:35)
2.9.7. Live Templates (0:58)
2.10. Recovering From Broken Indexes (3:36)
3. IntelliJ IDEA Philosophy
3.1. IntelliJ IDEA Philosophy (3:32)
3.2. Tracking Productivity (1:55)
3.3. Useful Plugins (0:03)
3.3.1. Presentation Assistant Plugin (0:44)
3.3.2. Key Promoter Plugin (0:36)
3.3.3. Keymap Exporter Plugin (0:14)
3.3.4. Keystroke Counter Plugin (0:07)
3.3.5. JOL and JMH Plugins (2:30)
3.3.6. Additional Schemes (0:57)
3.4. Find Action (1:26)
3.5. Search Everywhere (4:08)
3.6. Tool Windows (3:43)
3.6.1. Switching Between Editor & Tool Windows (3:10)
3.7. Autoscroll To and From Source (3:39)
3.8. Showing Toolbar (0:45)
4. Essential Shortcuts
4. Essential Shortcuts (0:09)
4.1. Superkey for Fixing Almost Anything - Alt+Enter (6:41)
4.2. Generate New Code (6:19)
4.3. Live Templates (22:59)
4.4. Navigation Go To Declaration (6:40)
4.5. Should You Throw Away Your Mouse? (7:13)
4.6. Find Usages (4:25)
4.7. Back and Forth Navigation (3:38)
4.8. Bookmarks (1:55)
4.9. Search and Replace (2:52)
4.10. Start New Line (0:27)
4.11. Syntax Aware Selection (4:41)
4.12. Move Code Up and Down (2:50)
5. Turbo-Boosted Productivity
5. Turbo-Boosted Productivity (0:08)
5.1. Surround With ... (2:19)
5.2. Surround with Live Template (1:44)
5.2.1. Define Your Own Live Templates (4:38)
5.3. Error Based Coding (8:47)
5.4. Copy & Paste (0:58)
5.5. Line Based Editing (3:02)
5.6. Column Select Editing (5:22)
5.7. Toggle Case (0:47)
5.8. Reformatting Code (3:39)
5.9. Exercise Description (1:17)
5.9.1. Exercise Walkthrough (4:30)
6. Code Completion
6. Code Completion (0:09)
6.1. Joining and Splitting Lines (1:17)
6.2. Different Appearances (6:56)
6.3. Basic Code Completion (1:33)
6.4. Smart Code Completion (0:41)
6.5. Complete Statement (1:07)
6.6. Parameter Info (1:10)
6.6.1. Beware of Parameter Reordering (1:10)
6.7. Commenting Out Code (3:57)
6.7.1. Block Comments (1:10)
6.8. Code Folding (1:20)
6.9. Override and Implement Methods (0:51)
6.10. CamelCase in Code Completion (0:59)
6.11. Imports (3:50)
7. Source Management
7. Source Management (0:12)
7.1. Local History (1:36)
7.2. Integration with Version Control System (0:59)
7.3. Git Tool Window (0:12)
7.4.1. Demo of Local History (0:33)
7.4.2. Demo Cleaning up PcdGenerator (1:21)
7.4.3. Demo Checking Changes in With Ctrl+K (0:14)
7.4.4. Demo Pushing with Ctrl+Shift+K (0:18)
7.4.5. Demo Pulling Changes (0:10)
7.4.6. Demo Git Window (0:14)
8. Refactoring
8.1. Refactoring (1:37)
8.2. Copy Class (1:08)
8.3. Move Class + Field + Method (0:23)
8.3.1. Move Method Exercise Description (0:30)
8.3.2. Move Method Exercise Walkthrough (1:53)
8.4. Renaming Things (1:20)
8.4.1. Renaming Things Exercise Description (0:10)
8.4.2. Renaming Things Exercise Walkthrough (6:19)
8.5. Change Signature (0:55)
8.5.1. Change Signature Exercise Description (0:27)
8.5.2. Change Signature Exercise Walkthrough (6:36)
8.6. Extract Variable (1:29)
8.6.1. Extract Variable Exercise Description (0:14)
8.6.2. Extract Variable Exercise Walkthrough (1:55)
8.7. Extract Method (1:05)
8.7.1. Extract Method Exercise Description (0:53) Extract Method Exercise Walkthrough 1 (4:19) Extract Method Exercise Walkthrough 2 (1:36) Extract Method Exercise Walkthrough 3 (2:15)
8.8. Inline Code (0:37)
8.9. Extract Field (0:39)
8.10. Extract Constant (0:25)
8.11. Extract Parameter (0:17)
8.12. Safe Delete (1:06)
8.13. Postfix Completion (1:23)
8.13.1. Postfix ! Demo (0:30)
8.13.2. Postfix != null Demo (0:10)
8.13.3. Postfix == null Demo (0:10)
8.13.4. Postfix try-catch Demo (0:33)
8.13.5. Postfix .var Demo (8:17)
9. Analyzer
9. Analyzer (1:45)
9.1. Analyzer -> Inspect Code (3:10)
9.2. Making Fields and Methods More Private (5:51)
9.3. Final Parameters and Local Variables (9:32)
9.4. Making Fields Final (4:16)
9.5. Removing Unused Code (7:25)
9.6. Error Handling (3:52)
9.7. Migrating to Newer Java Versions (2:50)
9.8. Migration Aids Exercise Description (0:38)
9.8.1. Setup Migration Aids (2:34)
9.8.2. Enhanced switch in generateCfg() (2:28)
9.8.3. Enhanced switch in generatePcdTemplate() (0:58)
9.8.4. Pattern variable in ElegantTable#initGui() (1:11)
9.8.5. try-with-resource in LineSocket#receiveFile() (1:58)
9.9. Find Duplicate Code (0:45)
10. Running and Debugging Code
10. Running and Debugging Code (1:24)
10.1. Running and Debugging Code Shortcuts (1:57)
10.2. Run Configuration (10:29)
10.3.1. Toggle Breakpoint, Resume, Step Over and Into (2:56)
10.3.2. Smart and Force Step Into, Step Out (2:01)
10.4.1. Demo of Factorial (13:17)
10.4.2. Demo of ConcurrencyBug Debug (5:46)
11. Conclusion
11. Conclusion (1:08)
5. Turbo-Boosted Productivity
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